
What are the advantages of fully automatic forklift trucks in accelerating the transformation of intelligent manufacturing


When domestic mobile robot manufacturers are turning their attention to the downstream, Bluechip has never left the core mobile robot visual perception technology in the upstream.

"The industrial scene is mainly non-standard. If the mobile robot can't do 'eye opening', it can't cope with the real-time changes of high frequency in the factory. The traditional QR code and magnetic stripe correspond to 'discontinuous blind path' and 'continuous blind path'. The laser radar is a semi-blind state - that is, it can only perceive the marks near itself or the contour around it. In the future, the robot must face the 'eye opening' state, which has the vision machine There are more job opportunities and more market space. "

However, at this stage, there are very few domestic manufacturers adopting visual sensors as the mainstream navigation application. On the one hand, the industry has not reached the stage of large-scale expansion. On the other hand, the entry threshold of vision is relatively high. The vision system is not only camera hardware, but also a series of software algorithms such as subsequent imaging algorithms and motion planning.

Double track power - main difference

As an enterprise with computer vision technology as its core technology, R&D of R&D of R&D of R&D of R&D products mainly focuses on mobile robot vision system and related products. Its existing products are divided into two categories: one is depth vision products, including Eagle series 3D vision sensors and WuKong series 3D vision sensors; The second is mobile robot products, including handling robots, composite robots, unmanned forklifts, etc.


The fifth point: the application of fully automatic forklift can save labor costs and ensure efficiency.

The application of fully automatic forklift truck can reduce the number of employees in repetitive operations, reduce N-1 labor force, control several robots by one person, and visual operation can also reduce the cost of human learning, intelligent material handling, reduce labor costs, and ensure benefits.

"Intelligent manufacturing" is the general trend of modern factories and enterprises. As an indispensable part of intelligent logistics, fully automatic forklift trucks will be applied in more industries with the continuous improvement of technology, helping more enterprises accelerate the transformation and upgrading of intelligent manufacturing.