
FLOS system definition

Smart logistics management platform software system (FLOS)


Quickly build smart logistics solutions.


Fast access to multiple storage systems, mobile robots, equipment loading and unloading ports, environmental equipment, etc.


Under the intelligent manufacturing scenario, the unified logistics management platform.

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Service advantages

Service advantages
95% of the delivery work has been completed, reducing the delivery cost, improving the delivery efficiency and improving the delivery quality.
Intelligent logistics life-cycle management.
Lean logistics: FLOS has storage resources and AGV resources. Through AI algorithm and in-depth learning, its goal is to achieve JIT-just-in-time production mode.
Provide data reports: space-time two-dimensional analysis, real-time capacity analysis
Early warning of obsolete materials
Digital management of logistics system

FLOS function

Quick build

Fast access to other manufacturers' systems

Fast access to field equipment

Simple configuration business process

Quickly add custom functions

Debugging tools quickly locate problems

LEAN Logistics

Compare plant data and analyze the advantages and disadvantages to improve the process

In-depth learning and analysis of the optimal task arrangement from the arrival of raw materials to the delivery of finished products

Dynamic rules, multi-AGV cooperation

Independent scheduling to optimize material storage structure

Cloud data center, providing data support for future strategy

centralized management

Unify logistics, equipment, tasks and interfaces

Man-machine equipment, PDA, wearable equipment access

Unified scheduling management page of different manufacturers

Data series to break through barriers between different systems

Unified control of different plants

Data analysis

Task operation analysis to find critical time loss

Track analysis to find the best path

Equipment operation analysis, crop utilization rate information, avoiding idleness

Abnormality analysis, finding problems, better operation and maintenance

Material storage analysis to reduce the occurrence of dead materials and save costs
