Recruitment information

Procurement Engineer

Work location:Procurement Engineer CompanyProcurement Engineer Date:2023-01-01 Education:Unlimited Work type:Full-time Number of recruiters:1-2

Job description

1. Be responsible for the daily work of the Procurement Department, and propose the procurement plan according to the specific needs of the enterprise or organization;
2. After the procurement plan is approved by the leader, it is responsible for organizing the implementation and monitoring the specific process of procurement;
3. Negotiate large quantities of purchased goods and sign purchase contracts;
4. In case of bidding procurement, it is necessary to organize the bidding work and evaluate and manage suppliers;
5. Regularly report the procurement process to the leaders and timely solve the problems encountered in the procurement process;
6. Complete the procurement task within the specified time and minimize expenses;
7. Conduct training for procurement personnel, improve their work level, supervise the procurement business of procurement personnel, and prevent violations of the company's regulations.

Job requirements

1. College degree or above in economic management or other related majors;
2. Participate in training in management, contract, procurement, etc;
More than 3.5 years of procurement or procurement management experience, familiar with the situation of suppliers in relevant industries;
4. Be familiar with the procurement process and bidding procedures.
5. Have a global view, be able to grasp the overall situation of the supply chain and find a better supply chain;
6. Be good at calculating total cost and mastering procurement skills;
7. Sharp market analysis and judgment ability; Good demand forecasting ability;
8. Have the spirit of unity and cooperation;
9. Careful, serious and responsible;

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