Recruitment information

Sales manager

Work location:Sales manager CompanySales manager Date:2023-01-01 Education:Unlimited Work type:Full-time Number of recruiters:1-2

Job description

1. Learn and master relevant technical knowledge and product knowledge of intelligent logistics;
2. Grasp customer needs, build channels, take the initiative to develop and complete the task indicators assigned by the superior;
3. Compile intelligent logistics scheme;
4. Maintain customer relationships, stabilize old customers and explore new customers;
5. Plan and write project contracts, and be responsible for product inspection, delivery and payment collection;
6. Formulate its own sales objectives and strategies according to the overall sales plan and strategy of the enterprise;

Job requirements

1. More than 10 years of experience in sales of logistics equipment;
2. College degree or above;
3. Excellent PPT production is preferred;
4. Those who can draw schematic diagrams in 3D are preferred;

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